many non-surgical methods are available for removal
of localized fat deposits, liposuction in local
anesthesia still remains the most effective way to remove unwanted fat.
technique (called tumescent) involves the injection of large volumes of diluted
lidocaine (local anesthetic) and epinephrine (drug that shrinks vessels) into
the fat under the skin. The lidocaine provides such complete local anesthesia,
that it eliminates the need for general anesthesia, or IV sedation or “twilight
Then a thin
hollow tube, or cannula, is inserted through small incisions to loosen excess
fat using a controlled back and forth motion. The dislodged fat is then
suctioned out of the body using a surgical vacuum or syringe attached to the
The patient
can return home almost immediately, the pain during the procedure and the
following days is minimized, the bruising is minimal and the recovery is very
fast. The new technique has eliminated the dangers and complications associated
with the older forms of liposuctions in general anesthesia.
areas for the procedure include the hips, the arms, the neck and the belly.
Price can
range between 2000-3000 euros.